Spoki (Ghosts) is the sound of an artist putting their private world to tape. Of exploring and pushing the limits of themselves and technology to realise the music in their head. As Ingus Baušķenieks himself explains: “My own world differs a little from my friends tastes. And - as my father said - the collective art is not art at all.”
released August 6, 2018
Arranged and produced by Ingus Baušķenieks
Female vocals on A2, A3 & B3: Edīte Baušķeniece
All instruments and male vocals: Ingus Baušķenieks
Recorded at 'PIE LIELĀS OMAS' and 'BICYCLE SYSTEMS', 1988 - 2011.
Linernotes by Daryl Worthington
Graphic Design by Nana Esi.
Selection by ijf Boullet & Ziggy Devriendt
Mastered by Mathieu Savenay.