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Alessandro Cortini | Ovest [Make Noise 2016]

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Alessandro Cortini returned to his Make Noise Shared System modular synthesizer last summer, to create two variations of a patch that could be described as “…a gorgeous sunrise over a decimated landscape…”

Using the same Make Noise Shared modular synth patch developed on 2013’s ACMN 1 & 2 release, and also explored by Richard Devine and Keith Fullerton Whitman, the NIN synthesist wrests two sprawling, coruscating sound images which smudge and oil across the mind’s eye with a late-night, psilocybic sci-fi quality that’s key to all his solo work.

With Quest he follows elliptical, arcing contours from root drone to sky scraping harmonic blooms in its 11 minute duration, before isolating and feathering out one of its plumes into the B-side’s more brooding agenda, again slowly building from tentative starts to really sink its flags in by the apex and leave us drained and bleeding, roadside in the inky blacknuss of nighttime LA.

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