Hello I am really sorry about the last piece! we released it before we were properly done, it turned uto crap, acohol mighh have been part of tate great mistake, but we would like to please our audience by releasing a new tune. a tune that is about what we belive in, love, noise and chaos well and some of us would want to put wine and beer to the list, but that is nogt totally mutuall... the lead singe Tranny Hennessy is fetured in this video, this youtube video, we do that because hi is our face to the outside world,....
we have a question wich we would like to ask you?
are you racist (asuming that you are whithe not yellow, black or red)? are you anti female (or are you a female who is anti male) (ecuse me for putting this in bracets, but we live in a male world so male is the \"standard\") ? are you antifag? (well I could suck you cock better than any female you´ve ever met) ? well just kidding...
if your answear was yes to one of the following questins I predict a dim future for you:
because the avaraged human is Aisian, Female and heterosexual (ok pehpas a bit bisexual when we study circumsicions and circumstances (wow did I spell those two words right) (if i di i decerve and oscar for wordiness in a rcok dadaistic video))
peace and noise, we love us!
...and some of out fans!