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Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief (Full Album)

The interesting and funny Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkerchief, released in 1973. Funny for it obviously being Monty Python and interesting for it's double-groove or three sided track layout, no track listing, or side definition. Luckily I have provided a listing of tracks from Wikipedia for you listening enjoyment.

Track Listing

Side 1

1. Church Police

2. Elephantoplasty

3. Novel Writing

4. Word Association

5. Bruces/Philosopher's song

6. The Adventures of Ralph Mellish/ Hot Dogs and Knickers

7. Cheese Shop Sketch

8. Wasp Club/Tiger Talk

9. Great Actors

Side 2 (Track 1)

10. The Background to History

11. First World War Noises

12. Boxing Tonight

Side 2 (Second Track)

13. Minister for Overseas Development (Mrs. NiggerBaiter explodes)

14. Oscar Wilde and Friends

15. Buying a Cat

16. Phone-in

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