\"Those who cannot remember history, are doomed to repeat it.\" -George Santayana
Music: Alacazam
Images: WWII Archival Footage
When I watched this footage there were so many scenes that broke my heart. I played the synth strings in real time as I watched the final edit and then added the little FX ostinato part after, I wanted to give the images a kind of pulse I thought, and then I realized how the children shaking their heads and bodies had impacted me.
The little girl's face at :45 just gets me every time.
There is so much emotion, so much innocence.
Can any of us imagine experiencing this kind of tragedy? I honestly can't even comprehend it.
I guess what disturbs me as well, is that historically
war is often the child of economic failure and social despair. In these troubled times, we must never
forget the cost of such madness.
All media is the property of their respective owners and used in accordance with Section 107 of the 1979 US Copyright Law (Fair Use). No challenge to ownership is implied. This video is for education and entertainment purposes only.