Room 101's full-length album, \"Return to Oceania\" is an original sequel to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four (1984), as told through this rock opera.
\"Return to Oceania\" resumes two years after Nineteen Eighty Four takes place, with Winston and Julia carefully continuing their relationship under the oppressive watch of Big Brother. While Winston is still under the influence of the Party, Julia has \"Another\" sleepless night wondering how he will accept her pregnancy. While the two feel the love \"Around You\" from the Proles and the Church of Ingsoc, Winston knows his time is coming to an end. Julia hands their child over to the Proles, as she reunites with Winston one last time. The \"Childhood of Alexander\" begins as an orphan in the war-torn city, until he discovers and joins the Church elite as a young adult and starts a family while working for Minrec. Alexander praises the virtues of the \"Church of Ingsoc\", as the Priest preaches the law of Big Brother. Over time, Alexander experiences a \"Struggle Within\" as he remembers losing his wife to Thought Crimes and grows more and more conflicted about the teachings of the Church and the Party. When Alexander makes \"The Discovery\" of his father's secret books and journals, he knows he can't go on as a spokesman for the Party lies anymore. Disavowing Big Brother, he comes upon the underground movement that is planning a revolution. Alexander knows he wouldn't survive such a revolt, but his father's spirit convinces him that sometimes \"Losing Life\" is necessary to truly gain life. Alexander confronts the Priest, and his life flashes before his eyes, ultimately returning \"Home\" to the parents he never knew, Winston and Julia.