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HATVANI SZABOLCS - ROTATION 2010. (full album)

\"ROTATION\" 5.1Surround DVD (2010)


\"You must change to rebirth

Every birth is beginning with death.\"

01. 00'00\" Overture / A kezdet

02. 01'19\" Genesis / Születés

03. 03'24\" Evolution / Evolúció

04. 04'52\" The Rising Generation / Új nemzedék

05. 10'10\" FlyAway / Súlytalanság

06. 11'51\" Transmission Line / Elektromosság

07. 20'31\" Summer Night / Nyári éj...

08. 23'17\" Train of Life / Az élet vonatán...

09. 27'33\" Slow Dance / A jövő üzenete

10. 34'04\" Meditation / Meditáció


12. 40'50\" Prelude / Előjáték

13. 44'26\" Emotion / Érzelmek

14. 48'24\" Reincarnation / Reinkarnáció

\"Változz, hogy újjászüless,

…mert minden születés halállal kezdődik!\"

\"A \"ROTATION\" c. angol nyelvű DVD-vel egy időben kiadásra kerül a lemez magyar nyelvű Stereo Dolby Surround adaptációja, CD-lemezen. Az eredeti felvételek újrakevert, szabványos CD-formátumú változata a HI-FI kedvelőinek, illetve a házimozi-rendszerrel nem rendelkezőknek kíván kedveskedni, melyre a „SUPER-STEREO” hangkeverés mellett a 96khz/24bit felvételi minőség is garanciát jelent.\"

Recommendation: The electric keyboard instruments have been appeared since sixties in the “instrumental” music. The appearance of analogue synthesizers transformed the music and orchestration mindset. This partially simplified, expanded and multiplied the opportunity of the realization of sounds in our imagination.

This DVD contains all the previous analogue and digital keyboards methods but ignores all the effects derogating the human and reality characters of music. Thus, musical compositions were recorded without using sequensers and digital control (MIDI) to preserve the original “living” feature of the music.

This album was made specifically in accordance with today's highest audio technology by Dolby Digital 5.1 sound-mixing for the sharp-eared audience and for those who long for a special experience.

Seat yourself in the space, in the middle of the sound system at the same distance of the loud speakers surrounding you. The plays of the synthesizers and the guitar and the accompanying multimedia and animation invite you to be a part of an imaginary travelling between time and space, embraced by or sometimes separated us from all the things thought to be logical so far.

Thanks for Alexander Fráter who inspired me by his guitar play during the whole composition of music.

This DVD is suggested for anyone who has time to rest in our rapidly accelerating life rotating as a “squirrel wheel” and who can give the appropriate respect for the MUSIC, and doesn't think of it as if it was just \"background noise\"…



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