some tracks are re-mixs from Systemwide's 'Sirius' (BSI 1997-2)
mastered by Sound Secretion
concept, mosaic, design, titles by Ezra Ereckson
photos by Tracy Harrison
pre-press by Knack Imaging
special thanks to Bryn, Terry, Charles
Working hard on the Muslimgauze full length. Here's a little info: it's going to be LP (probably limited to 1000) and CD (not limited). About 45 min, 10 tracks. The artwork is a mosaic I did for Bryn of a big pair of black headphones, kind of Byzantine style - creamy modulated white background with a border - I'm very happy with it. Title will be what he scrawled on his first fax to me regarding the material, \"Lo-if India Abuse\". ETA: second week of August.
Note: The latest information is it will be LP only for a while. (ed. This note turned out to be incorrect and in fact for quite a while only the CD version was available. This was due to problems with the production of the LP version.)
comments from BSI Records
Lo-if India Abuse is the result of collaboration between BSI Records' Systemwide and the late Bryn Jones, a.k.a. Muslimgauze. It is a collection of beautiful and brutal originals and \"re-mixes\", a seriously varied assortment of tracks that focus dub, Mid-East percussion, and radioactive ambience and noise through the singular Muslimgauze filter. Some of the tracks are recognizable reconstructs of songs from Systemwide's \"Sirius\" CD, most are pure Muslimgauze; the two flow and collide effortlessly.
This collection represents some of Bryn Jones' last work. It may give us a sense of some of the territory that might have been explored had Bryn been able to continue. It is also one of only a handful of Muslimgauze releases issued by a label other than Staalplaat or Soleilmoon. Like the earlier \"Systemwide meets Muslimgauze at the City of the Dead,\" it represents the beginning of what promised to be a great relationship between Muslimgauze and BSI.
Lo-if India Abuse is a crucial work and a necessary listen for all who have followed the journey of the formidable and singular artist known as
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