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The journeymen Singers - Harvest Time (Full Album)

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(Digitally Remastered) HARVEST TIME

Join us friend's & Band members Richard Bell has connected with former members & Friend's of the band. Thanks for sharing

The Journeymen Singers

Then saith He unto His disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.\" Matt. 9:37,38

The Journeymen Singers have accepted this call for labourers. Their music and message is intended to show the way of the Cross to those \"who do not know Him as personal Saviour. They sing with enthusiasm arid dedication.\" Their songs are inspirational, presenting a new hope and assurance for those who feel uncertain of their way in life. Truly, we are living in a great harvest field, ripe and ready to yield. The grain must be reaped before it spoils. We must all do our part to reap souls for the Master, while there is yet time. The title song on this album, HARVEST TIME, tells us not to hesitate — time is passing quickly. Harvest Time is now.

With headquarters in Weymouth,' Massachusetts, The Journeymen Singers travel from -coast to coast and in Canada, singing almost every night in a different city, adding up 100,000 miles per year on their custom-made 1967 van. Don Persson, baritone accordionist and pianist, has done the arranging and managing for the group since they began in 1962 Jon Bellows sings tenor, emcees, and plays bass guitar. Jon joined The Journeymen Singers in the fall of \"1966. Dick Bell, another original member, sings lead on this album

Join us friend's & Band members Richard Bell is hoping to contact former members & Friend's of the band.

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