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Submarine Boycott Syndrome - Silicon Salisbury and the Malignant Implant (FULL ALBUM)

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This is a compilation of previously unreleased pieces that were created at various different times. At least one is so old that it predates the release of Laughing in Berlin, but most tracks were made after Citadel of the Supernatural Citrus Civilians. Several conceptually related albums were planned, many failed, and this is the result.

Intro (Courtesy of Odor) -0:00

1. Booting Up - 0:14

2. Bits (Feet. Odor, That One Guy) - 1:06

3. And (Fucking Pisces) (Feat. Quaker) - 22:53

4. Pisces (Feat. Panquaker) * - 24:38

5. Loveland Frog Sighting 01' - 40:55

6. Dwarven Mines - 41:42

7. Sea of Stories (Feet. Odor) - 45:33

8. The Last Memories to Go are the First Ones You Make (Feet. Odor) - 48:53

9. Temple of the Nerd - 52:54

10. Nuclear Ornithology - 55:52

11. Black Streets - 56:27

12. Running in the Dark - 57:18

13. My Body is the People's Temple ** - 58:31

14. Sad Times - 1:04:54

15. Lizard Lethargy - 1:05:28

16. Atomic Clock - 1:06:30

17. Didining Slam (Feat. Earthquaker) - 1:07:30

18. The Malignant Implant - 1:07:50

19. Silicon Salisbury's Response - 1:09:51

20. Derailing in the Ice 3: It Finally Derailed - 1:11:04

21. Post-Ice World - 1:12:07

22. Grace *** - 1:13:38

23. Breathing *** - 1:15:23

24. Little Window - 1:17:08

25. The Neat Machine (Dancescape 1) (Shittypop 2.875) - 1:18:49

26. Dancescape 2 (Feat. Quaking Like a Duck) - 1:23:10

27. String Dominion (Feet. Odor) - 1:24:42

28. The Secret Nature Keeps - 1:29:26

29. This is How I Feel When I Think About Elon Musk (Feat. Cheese and Quakers) - 1:32:37

30. Is This Japan? - 1:44:18

31. Citadel of the Supernatural Citrus Civilians - 1:48:16

32. Quaker's Theme (Feat. Quake Michigan) - 1:49:18

33. My Theme Forever (Feat. Quake Me Home, Country Roads) - 1:50:32

34. Flute the Newt - 1:52:26

35. Oozopolis - 1:53:31

36. The Secret Nature Keeps Pt. 2 - 1:54:45

37. Josh on Guitar (Feat. Josh) - 1:55:36

38. Funcky Go Clean Up Your Mess! - 1:56:09

*: Samples Sydney Omarr's spoken-word recording \"Pisces\".

**: Samples Jim Jone's so-called \"Death Tape\".

***: Samples a music box rendition of \"Ballerina Girl\" by Lionel Richie.

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