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Intrinsic - Songs From The PostApocalyptic Generation (Demo EP) [Full Album]

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*Warning: Any unauthorized reproduction of this or any other recording is prohibited by Federal law and is subject to criminal prosecution. Copyright ? 2013 Intrinsic Music by Alex and Michael Bellanca.

All Rights Reserved.

00:00 1. A(night)merica

03:02 2. Sundance

05:24 3. (This Next Song Is) Stupid

08:06 4. Monster of Society

10:24 5. If

11:28 6. Girl (Carmen Sandiego's Vagina)

15:30 7. Buried Alive

*Bonus Track*

19:50 8. Zombie Music In The Key of Doom

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This EP was recorded live (Guitar, drums, and vocals) in our basement/\"Xanthium Recordings\". Bass guitar and lead guitar were over dubbed afterwards.

The EP is about the downfall of the American race through political division, drug abuse, suicide, human ignorance, and overall stupid bull shit.

Recorded live and mixed at Xanthium Recordings in March 2013.

Mastered by Micah Etzel at Earth Core Studios in May 2013.

Album concept and layouts by Intrinsic.

Album Artwork by Justin Russell.

Mykel Nitro: Drums and Vocals

Al-X: Guitars and Bass (Vocals on track 6)

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