Thin Lizzy - Whisky In The Jar acoustic guitar lesson
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These videos are designed for guitar beginners or those with only limited guitar knowledge. They use simple chord shapes as much as possible and do not necessarily represent the way in which the song was originally played. They are designed as practice tools to supplement your other learning methods. Information is provided on screen for both right and left-handed players!
Whiskey in the Jar is a perfect beginner's song, apart from the small use of the F major chord. I've replaced it with a simple single note on the low E string, but if you are comfortable playing the full barre F then put that in it's place to get the proper sound.
The intro to this song is free time and quickly strums away on Am, G and Em chords with a fast but smooth and relaxed up-down motion. Try to keep this as even as you can but don't fixate on it, it's very much done by feel.