




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Nightwish - Tutankhamen (symphonic power metal)

Playing Next: Bach - Concerto for 2 violins, I. Vivace (with score)
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Game - Symphony
Difficulty – Forte (second highest)
You can view video in up to 1080p HD quality.
While the song is played, in-game sounds are OFF.

Artist: Nightwish
For more information about the band and related links, check here:
Song: Tutankhamen
Album: Angels Fall First (1997)

For more videos from my channel, see here:

As the sun sets beyond the pyramid
to greet me with its rays.
I place my hand on my forehead
to see your chariots' flames.
Watch me kneel before you,
hear the cats meowing in the temple.
They yearn for the milk you cascaded
as I yearn your promised treasure

Treasure of Tutankhamen,
I am the one it is
Take me with you
through the stargate,
to the valley of the kings.
Sacrifice me, Tutankhamen
and let me be your queen
Take me tonight and always
we'll breed to fill all earth

Three millenniums it took me
to guard your rest
Your slumber in mighty Phoenix's nest
But tonight the darkness
in the tomb has perished
For Carter has come to free my beloved






I do not own the game or the song - all parts of the game, all names, music and lyrics belong to their respective owners. The game is music game and thus cannot function without music, as it uses the songs to create new levels. The video is fan-made and not for profit. Apart from being a gameplay video, it is aimed for promoting the artist(s) and their music.

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