




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Pandit Pran Nath ‎- Ragas (Yaman Kalyan Punjabi Berva) (1971) FULL ALBUM

Shandar ‎– SR 10 007 (France, 1971)

00:00 A. Raga Yaman Kalyan

29:38 B. Raga Punjabi Berva

Voice – Pandit Pran Nath

Tambura – La Monte Young, Shyam Bhatnagar

Cover Design, Calligraphy – Marian Zazeela

Pandit Pran Nath was a master singer from India who was invited to the U.S. where he gathered various disciples - most prominent among these were La Monte Young and Terry Riley. Both of these being figures in the 'Minimalist' group of composer/musicians. The raga on this recording that really grabbed me was the first of the two \"Sound is God\" (or Nada Brahma). Pran Nath's spiritual devotion can be heard shining through this recording. His intonation is legendary. Behind this masterly performance beats a large heart full of love for this 'absolute sound' of the Nada. There's a spiritual unity present between the words, the voice, the other musicians, the raga and the spirit of Pran Nath. It is a performance so full of heart and divine love. Many of today's musicians have become too affected by Western styles of virtuosic performance and display. But here we are enfolded in the ancient art of Indian raga singing -- as described in the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda. A true treasure and a stunning masterpiece.

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