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Mike Love - "Human Race"- Live

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It was a stress filled day today. So, when I came back to work I knew what I had to do. The un-rendered session from Mike, Samites, and Blaine would turn my mood. Rejuvenate my mental energy. Worked like a charm.This song is great live like this, BUT you gotta hear it on Mike Love's just released album. Horns and the whole production is superb.-
Do yourself the favor of adding new positive music to your playlist!

When I first got to know Mike it was over 10 years ago. A monster guitarist, and still very roots inspired, but he had long hair and would play Hendrix, Dave Mathews etc. along with Reggae tunes. An incredible talent but, at least to me, seemed much more typical of the cool characters you meet in the music world. I didn't see him for the summer and fall that year. When I did see him again, he was the Mike you now know. Killer dreads and overstanding wisdom. His own unique voice and style surfaced and continue to evolve and amaze to this day. A positive charge amongst negativity. An ambassador of empowerment...
- Mike Love, album is \"The Change I'm Seeking\". Samites and Blaine Mateo are at the foundation and Soul Sound's studio quality is a treat.
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