Dream on Texas Ladies, John Michael Montgomery, Jenny Daniels, Country Music, Cover
\"Dream on Texas ladies\" is originally sang by Country Music singer John Michael Montgomery. It was first published in 1992.
I love the waltz rhythm and the gentle feeling of the music. I also like the romantic lyrics.
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Jenny's Covers
Way down in Texas
Those cowgirls get restless
As they wait for that cowboy
Who will love them for life
And though they are certain
They'll meet him tomorrow
They're alone with their dreams for tonight
So dream on Texas ladies
About cowboys and babies
Hold out for that Lonestar
Who will love you for life
Dream on Texas ladies
About sunshine and daisies
Follow your heart
Where it leads you tonight
From Houston to Dallas
Those cowgirls sing ballads
About how love everlasting
Is love at its best
And they dream of that day
When they both ride away
As the sun slowly sets in the west
So dream on Texas ladies
About cowboys and babies
Hold out for that Lonestar
Who will love you for life
Dream on Texas ladies
About sunshine and daisies
Follow your heart
Where it leads you tonight
Dream on Texas ladies
About cowboys and babies
Hold out for that Lonestar
Who will love you for life
Dream on Texas ladies
About sunshine and daisies
Follow your heart
Where it leads you tonight
Dream on Texas ladies
About cowboys and babies
Hold out for that Lonestar
Who will love you for life
Dream on Texas ladies
About sunshine and daisies
Follow your heart
Where it leads you tonight
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