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Sonny James - That's Why I Love You Like I Do - 1972

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\"That's Why I Love You Like I Do\" was released on April 17, 1972 and recorded on November 20, 1968.
Here what Sonny James said about \"That's Why I Love You Like I Do\".
\"“That's Why I Love You Like I Do” it's a strange story about that song. When my first big record “Young Love” came out there was a song on the other side of “Young Love” and the title of the song. I gave the title to the song. It was originally written “That's Why I Love You Like I Do” Jack Morrow, Fort Worth Texas. He wrote the song and I said Jack I wanna call it “You're The Reason I'm In Love” or “You're The Reason” I think is what I called it and in parenthesis “I'm In Love” and so I put it on the back of “Young Love”. Well obviously you can't split that record in half so he made a lot of money (laughs) off of being on the back of “Young Love”. But the strange thing all these years on my personal appearances I would go and people would say Sonny I remember when we had your record of “Young Love”, have you ever thought about doing that other side? And this was just...and no telling how many times this had been told to me over the years and every time I would get ready to do the song from the other side. “You Are The Reason” was the title of it then someone would come out with a song called “You Are The Reason” and I said I'll change that title. The songs..the only thing that had you are the reason was the opening line. It's not even mentioned in the rest of the song. I said we'll go back to Jack's original title “That's Why I Love You Like I Do” And I went in and I did it. Naturally recording had kind of advanced a little bit since I first did it on the back of “Young Love” but I basically stayed with that background counter melody having my group sing and I did “That's Why I Love You Like I Do” and it was a number one record.\"

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