Music by EarlyRise
Lyrics by Orly Lari
Produced, recorded & mixed by Raz Klinghoffer
Producer: Brian Cox / Flarelight Films
Director: Rocco Guarino
DP: Jacob Abrams
Editor: Bella Aptekar
Prod. Stills: Wendy Gonzalez
Production Assistant: Carlos Alvarado
I've seen it all already
I can't stand this silence
Please wake me up
There's gotta be more
My thoughts are empty
I feel like I have no soul left
Please wake me up
There's gotta be more
What's the story
Tell me all you know
Point me down the right way
I need more
Surrounded by so many
but blind to their faces
Please take me back to when I was alive
I might seem content and happy
Just hiding the numbness
Please take me back to when I was alive
What's the story
Tell me all you know
Point me down the right way
I need more
Unlock the gates and let me out
My truth is on the other side
Remind me what I'm breathing for
Cause I was meant for more
What's the story
Tell me alI you know
Point me in the right way
I need more