So the awesome JT Music put out a challenge to make a rap out of interesting trivia... And that's the sort of thing I just can't resist! So here's my rebuttal. It was certainly a refreshing break from ink demons and cuddly death robots!
I tried my best to keep the facts as varied and interesting as possible, with a mix of weird things I've heard over the years, new ones I discovered for this track and a couple I researched and found out myself. (I spent a LOT of time counting Forts...)
So hopefully there's something interesting in here for all of you!
Check out the full Stupendium originals playlist for all of my original songs!
The Stupendium is a London based musician, animator and content creator, creating weird, wonderful and usually incredibly nerdy songs and animations. Join him on his journey to obscure, niche internet stardom! He has some pretty decent videos, wonderful facial hair and a great sense of discomfort describing himself in the third person.