A deleted scene featuring the \"Song of the Rebel Irish\", from the film \"Gods and Generals\". Lyrics are below.
And as a general note, I do not approve of cussing or the use of foul language and if any post contains anything of that sort, I will delete it. I don't have any problem with discussion over this video, but keep it clean and dignified.
I have ancestors who fought on both sides of the war and I have Irish, French, English, Native American, and African American blood. So please, I don't want to hear anything demeaning regarding race. Personally, I think the Civil War was a very sad time in America's history and I sympathize with both sides as well as those who were not Americans and yet fought in the war.
Oh, not now for songs of a nation's wrongs,
not the groans of starving labor;
Let the rifle ring and the bullet sing
to the clash of the flashing sabre!
There are Irish ranks on the tented banks
of Columbia's guarded ocean;
And an iron clank from flank to flank
tells of armed men in motion.
The Irish green shall again be seen
as our Irish fathers bore it,
A burning wind from the South behind,
and the Yankee rout before it!
O'Neil's red hand shall purge the land-
Rain a fire on men and cattle,
Till the Lincoln snakes in their own cold lakes
Plunge from the blaze of battle.
Whoe'er shall march by triumphal arch
Whoe'er may swell the slaughter,
Our drums shall roll from the Capitol
O'er Potomac's fateful water!
Rise, bleeding ghosts, to the Lord of Hosts
For judgement final and solemn;
Your fanatic horde to the edge if the sword
Is doomed line, square, and column!