⚠️: This beat is free for profit, which means you can earn money with your project including this beat for free. I do not allow re-uploads of the beat as a whole. If someone buys the exclusive rights, you are supposed to take your song you made with that beat off all platforms, if you haven`t purchased a copyright license. If my YouTube video is beeing ID-Claimed by you, I have the full right to take your song down. By uploading your song you agree to the terms of use.
⚫️ Can I upload my song on all platforms?
Yes, you can.
⚫️ Do I have to credit you, and if so, where?
Credit is mandatory, common sections are the title, the artwork, the description, for platforms such as Spotify the credits... But yeah, credit has to be given
⚫️Do I need a Copyright License to use your beat?
Not at all. The Copyright License does not act as a lease, it is just a purchasable part of the ownership of the beat, so if the exclusive right to that particular beat get sold, you don't have to take your song down.
⚫️In your Copyright License contract it says, I am not allowed to upload my song to any platform? Are you scamming me?
No, let me explain. This is the basic BeatStars contract, which refers to the Content ID-Claiming. You have my consent to upload every song to any platform, but if you activate Content ID-Claiming, and my beats are getting claimed, I have the full right to take it down as of breach of contract. And I'm not the only one getting claimed, other artists using that beat are being claimed too, I'm just kinda the only one that can get out of it. So don't be selfish, aight?
⚫️ But I want to secure my song from being stolen & reposted man, you have to understand that.
Well, I do understand that, but my business and a lot of artists are being affected by these claims. You can't control what gets claimed, and unfortunately the beat is enough to catch a claim. You can contact me about purchasing exclusive rights, then you can definitely activate that shit, but without that, no way.
⚫️ How do I contact you for questions?
As of now, I'm not using any communication devices. So you can't contact me anywhere until I get back, sorry :/
⚫️If I buy the Copyright License, am I the only one to be able to use it? And are you taking it off all platforms?
No, I'm only doing that if Exclusive Rights get sold.
⚫️Why do you have tags on them, I thought your beats are free for profit?
Leave me alone with that BS, you can use the beat free right? And you can still keep the profit right? I think most of those people who confuse untagged with free for profit are some lil kids smh
#juicewrld #freeforprofitbeats
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