




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Marģers Zariņš - Concerto Innocente · Variationi B.A.C.H. · Les Chansons de Bilitis Full Album 1971

Playing Next: Blops - Del Volar De Las Palomas (1971) (Full album/ Album completo)

Composer: Marģers Zariņš

Performer: Pēteris Sīpolnieks

Genre: Neo-Baroque, Modern Classical, Organ Music

Label: Melodia (LP СМ-02749-50, 1971)

Concerto Innocente for Organ & Chamber Orchestra

00:00 I. Allegro Gaio

04:15 II. Andante Pencierosso

13:10 III. Allegro Volando

17:21 Variazioni B.A.C.H. for Organ

24:56 Bilitis Dziesmas / Les Chansons de Bilitis *

Organ: Pēteris Sīpolnieks

Orchestra: LPSR Valsts filharmonijas kamerorkestris (Concerto)

Conductor: Tovijs Lifšics (Concerto)

Mezzo-soprano: Leonarda Daine (Bilitis)

* Les Chansons de Bilitis is a collection of erotic, essentially lesbian, poetry by Pierre Louÿs published in Paris in 1894. Since Louÿs claimed that he had translated the original poetry from Ancient Greek, this work is considered a pseudotranslation.

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