From the film \"Turned Out Nice Again\" (1941) starring George Formby and Peggy Bryan. Composer: Roger MacDougal.
In this scene, George is singing to his wife at their home. Times are hard, he has lost his job and his marriage is on the rocks. But he is exploring an opportunity for potential great success.
Lyrics -
I sometimes sit and wonder
Just why I am able to get the lucky breaks I do
I'm luckier than Roosevelt or Nuffield or Gable
They've never been in love with you
They may have lots of money and importance
I know I'd fail where they succeed
But though my worldly wealth is only four pence
What more do I need?
They can take away the chairs
The carpet from the stairs
And all that they can see
It won't mean anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me
They can take away the plates
The number from the gates
And even take the key
It won't mean anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me
I can do without cigars
Or Rolls-Royce motorcars
And walk the way I've always done
And although the weather's damp
I can do without my gamp
For you're everything rolled into one
I can give up all I've bought
Without a single thought
It's not so hard you see
It won't mean anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me
I can do without my fags
Or the bottom to my bags
And even go T.T.
I don't need anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me
I can get along with nowt
Aye, or even do without
My Auntie Maggie's remedy
I don't need anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me
I'd give up without a shot
My stick of Blackpool rock
Although it gives me lots of fun
I can do without my pipe
Or my weekly plate of tripe
For you're everything rolled into one
I can do without my boots
Or without my swimming suits
I'd undress in the sea
I don't need anything so long as I've got you
You're everything to me you see
You're everything to me