Sweetly I trust in my Redeemer as I go singing on my way
So happy am I (yes so happy now), yes happy am I (very happy now)
Ever I know that He is with me, keeping my soul from day to day
So happy am I (happy now am I), yes happy am I (yes happy am I)
Happy am I with my Redeemer
Singing along the homeward way
And telling the lost (tell-) of (-ing) His (all) great love (the lost of His great mercy)
Happy am I to know He's with me (I'm always happy)
Keeping me spotless day by day (yes day by day)
I'm happy along (yes) the way (I'm happy) to heaven above (along the way, along the journey)
Sweetly I sing along the journey helping the lost to know His love
So happy am I (yes so happy now), yes happy am I (very happy now)
Hoping to meet Him in the morning in that sweet happy home above
So happy am I (happy now am I), yes happy am I (yes happy am I)
Repeat Chorus
Looking for Him most any moment, ready when Jesus shall appear
So happy am I (yes so happy now), yes happy am I (very happy now)
Keeping my lamp all trimmed and burning, feeling His coming now is near
So happy am I (happy now am I), yes happy am I (yes happy am I)
Repeat Chorus (x2)
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing Happy Am I (Live). (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,