Performed by Evelina Hägglund
Composed by Martin Molin
Recorded by David Zanden and Marcus Sjöberg
Filmed by Hannes Knutsson
Mixed by Marcus Sjöberg and Martin Molin
Recorded at Rixmixningsverket studio 2016
Video Made by Martin Molin & Hannes Trainerds Knutsson
If you want to support:
The fact that you are watching the videos and care about the music and future of Wintergatan is the best support anyone can have, I want to thank everyone who is here for that kind of support, it is really the fuel for the Wintergatan Engine.
If you apart from that further want to support the projects, we have these different options set up:
►Sponsor the Wintergatan Youtube Channel by clicking the blue sponsor button next to subscribe
Why do we accept support in this way?
I, Martin, can already sustain myself 100% doing what I love to do. If you want to support artists/organisations who have not yet reached that privileged position, please consider supporting other artists/organisations who need the support more. With that said, I have too many ideas and too little time and with your support I can get more help from people around me to execute the ideas better and bring them out in the world faster. Read a longer statement on this here: