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[1993.02.16] 友川かずき (Tomokawa Kazuki) ‎– 花々の過失 Full Album

Playing Next: Zeni Geva - All Right, You Little Bastards! [Live] (1993) [Full Album]

La faute des fleurs

01. 武装に足る言葉などないのだ 0:00

02. ルドン 04:16

03. ここはどこなんだ 07:37

04. 風の深夜 10:38

05. 燃えさかる家 14:36

06. 鬼の子守 18:46

07. 平手酒造のテーマ 20:48

08. 耳のある風景 23:20

09. 明日が喉まで来ている 26:18

10. 少年の恋 28:51

11. 急げ!菜の花 31:04

12. 私の花 33:02

友川かずき (Tomokawa Kazuki) is a prolific Japanese musician, active in the Japanese music scene since the early seventies. He is often described as a \"screaming philosopher\".

Multi-talented Tomokawa Kazuki (singer, author, actor, painter, raconteur) remains curiously unappreciated in the West, in spite of creating some of the most consistently inspired, emotionally resonant outsider folk music of recent years. Whether screaming his lungs out while thrashing his guitar within an inch of its life (his legendarily wild performances frequently end up with all strings snapped during a single song), creating gorgeously romantic and limpid tone-scapes, Tomokawa never remains any less than himself. He walks a path of untutored intelligence, piercing sensitivity, and fully exorcised passions all too rare in the shallow husk of today's debased world.

As of recently, his music has been used in the films of cult directors Takashi Miike and Koji Wakamatsu, and he also appears in person in Miike's Izo (2004). Japanese poet Satoru Nozoki is his brother.

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