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I Got a Pea. A Funny Songs for kids (CD version)

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I Got a Pea is a funny song for kids and everyone by Bryant Oden. More funny songs at (This is the CD version of the song, a little faster than the main YouTube video.)

On the CD of 40 funny songs (including The Duck Song, The BFF Song) \"The Songdrops Collection, Vol. 1.\"

By Bryant Oden, who did the duck song, I got a pea, Bob the Snail, Best Friends Forever, This Song is Stuck Inside my head, The Turkey Song, I Don't Like Tomatoes, The CBA Song, I Love U, Ringtone and more really funny songs for kids and classrooms.

I Got a Pea Lyrics: (I Gotta Pea)
Today for show and tell I'm so excited I might yell
Can't wait to show you it's so cool. I went to gramma's yesterday worked in her garden the whole day. She let me bring some veggies here to school. I got a carrot, I got a yam. I got a green bean fresh not from a can. Got a potato, and as you can probably see, I also got a pea.

I got a pea, I got a pea, why is everyone laughing at me. So if you find a little pea on the floor after I leave I think it probably belongs to me.

I got a pumkin, I got a squash. I got some lettuce I still need to wash. I got an onion and some broccoli. I also got a pea.

I got a pea, I got a pea. Why is everyone laughing at me? so if you find a little pea on the floor after I leave I think it probably belongs to me. Yes if you find a little pea on the floor after I leave, I think it probably belongs to me.

More funny songs for kids and everyone on this channel and at

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