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Crack - Losing One's Cool (Full Album) 1997

Playing Next: Eileen Barton - All the Best (FULL ALBUM - BEST OF EASY LISTENING)
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Track Listing:

1. Burger 0:00

2. Surely My Temple 3:01

3. Raygun 5:14

4. Unagolfer 8:18

5. Sea Urchin 9:46

6. Chopper 12:44

7. Shrivel Up, Chuck 14:36

8. Eyeliner Made Me 17:22

9. Dreamin 19:45

10. Rice Crispy Treats 26:33

11. Squat On A Grenade 29:07

12. Bedwetter 31:16

13. Overexposed Boob 34:02

14. Cut It Out 35:41

15. Hello 39:17

Really excellent and unknown album/group. I was lucky enough to see these guys multiple times around the age of 15 in the late 90s and they would give 110% every time. They had two very different but equally amazing front men with boundless energy from start to finish, and I hope that comes through for anyone listening. I'd consider it punk but they do take it to many interesting places. And they pull off what I believe to be a much better-than-the-original Blondie cover. The last song has a \"hidden track\", remember those? I took the liberty of cutting out all the silence as the old fashioned 'waiting in anticipation for a CD to get there' is long gone. If you can get through all the backwards noise and speaking there's an additional killer song. Enjoy!

Note: Regarding the Blondie cover, I realized after uploading there's a few skips and gaps on it, my apologies. I normally screen everything before uploading but let my guard down on this, lesson learned! The recording is from a 'well loved' CD from almost 25 years ago and I certainly did not take care of my stuff back then. If anyone complains or even notices perhaps I will fix and re-upload haha

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