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Spare Snare- Animals And Me (1998- Full Album)

Playing Next: Castifas - Journey Through the Darkness Path (Full-Album)
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Tracklist ►

00:00 I'll get by

02:12 We are the snare

05:13 Stop complaining

08:33 If I had a hi-fi

11:00 Holding onto the shore

13:11 What's going on

16:20 The lies count

18:09 Batteries gone

22:23 My kind of crazy

24:46 Here comes the storms

27:23 Hit me, Satan

29:57 They airbrushed my face

32:25 Who Lee

32:42 All I want to do is touch

37:11 We grew up

39:47 I feel the sun, and it's mine

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