Happy birthday UnderTale! I'm sure it's been a wild ride for Toby and the gang experiencing the overwhelming love and praise for this incredible game. It's been a pleasure doing covers from the game's ost for the last year and the hype and amazing fans surrounding that game has helped my channel grow significantly! (and by no means am I finished with Undertale covers!)
I was asked by the Materia Collective if I wanted to be a part of this tribute album and I was honored to be involved in it! However I did show up to the party a week or so late so my song choice was pretty limited. LUCKILY this theme was still available and I actually had an arrangement in mind beforehand so it was a perfect opportunity to make it! This theme is more of a hidden gem of the ost but like the rest of the soundtrack, it's an amazing piece of music.
The whole vibe of this theme is to be unsettling and spooky so I tried to incorporate that into my arrangement. I started it off with some clean guitars and slowly sneaked some super chunky rhythm guitars in there. I also drop tuned my guitar to A# which gave it an absurdly heavy tone.
I'm very happy with this arrangement and I hope you guys enjoy it as well! Thanks for watching!
Thanks to GameFace for the game footage and thanks to YOU for watching and for your continuous support!
The original Undyne theme from the game UnderTale was composed by Toby Fox