A visit to a bar with no atmosphere
It sure don’t look inviting as you take those short steps down
Into the zero atmosphere of the smallest bar in town.
A low-fi antique radio provides the background sound,
Instead of being cosy, it’s the saddest place around.
No customers have ventured into the bar this night,
It doesn't help that it is lit by cold fluorescent light.
The door stands fully open, the icy wind blows free.
How such a place stays open is a mystery to me.
The walls are decked with pictures of variety show casts;
Stars you've never heard of from that sad world of the past.
The massive flat screen T.V shows a fortune telling fraud,
The volume’s down to zero; you can’t hear his warning words.
In every dark cloud looming there’s a silver heart they say,
In this depressing watering hole the barmaid saves the day.
Her Caribbean warmth shines through, her life affirming grin,
But to keep this jewel in such a place, it is a mortal sin.