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TRANSVESTITEstallion The Worst Band ever DRunK Noise IN the Random PArk of DruSk To daN W

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yeah I will tell you the story, we were just drunk like some kind of drunk people recoding our selves drunk in the park dawn was much earlier than expected and all the UFO's had gone to Uncle Bed...

During the meanwhilest we froppagated around like some mainwater high waiters at a cirque de Destruction, dope never fit our hats well, nither was it our cuppses of teas, but I tell you the tranny granny shore lasted a long time, noise of the background like a great bloody cursing roma queen, Esmaralda I think she was named or unnamed like all the pretty glitch demons or daemons from atonal hell, the asylum had all ready closed when we came pack and all the gards where gonners on smack, oooh what a rack I will never forget or even try to remember except for when I sleep and miss out on dreaming, have you ever heard about dreamtime? Slime, slime. Slime and a cup of spiked tea in a sock

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