




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Kemper Crab - The Vigil - 1982 - FULL ALBUM

Playing Next: Alex Schein - Speed of Light (Full Album)
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Copy from original phonograph record. To purchase this album (or any of Kemper Crabb's discography) in cd or digital form click this link:

As this item is currently backordered in its physical form (cd)-- presumably one can still order digital copies--- on his website and the only new copy available from an Amazon subsidiary is selling for $200 (and three used copies for $50), and this album is a classical work of music I feel should be more well known and heard, I have uploaded this album as digitally copied from the original phonograph record in hopes of increasing awareness of it and perhaps reaching a new audience who will look into Kemper's discography.

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