




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Pere Ubu - 390 Degrees of Simulated Stereo [1981] (Full Album)

390 degrees of simulated stereo - pere ubu

ubu live: volume one

live in cleveland, london, & brussels

recorded between 1976 - 1979

released in 1981

side a

1. non-alignment pact 0:00

2. street waves 3:52

3. real world 7:58

4. my dark ages 12:02

5. the modern dance 17:30

6. humour me 21:00

side b

1. heart of darkness 23:46

2. laughing 27:53

3. can't believe it 33:00

4. over my head 35:18

5. sentimental journey 39:58

6. 30 seconds of tokyo 44:48

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