What is a \"dead skeleton\"? Can such an entity exist? Sonic wizards Jón Sæmundur, Henrik Björnsson and Ryan Carlson Van Kriedt probe such questions of depth and intensity on their first full-length double LP Dead Magick. This album illuminates the fact that magick - as well as music - is far from \"dead.\" In fact, Dead Magick is a vibrant collection of mystical meanderings through space, time, and all that is. Dead Magick formulates and communicates dynamic concepts, as well as illustrates them via the oldest form of human expression: music.
Dead Magick is akin to a musical hologram. The overall structure replicates itself in its most minute detail. The magick, however, is not only in the mix. There is also magick in the moment in time that the sound vibrations were recorded. Yet, there is a transcendent quality to the work, most viscerally experienced in the lyrical mantras, established through repetition, a repetition distinctly non-choral in nature. It could be loosely compared to so-called \"trance\" or \"drone\" genres; however, these terms are inadequate to describe the quality of the sound. Dead Magick transcends genre or classification, as well as space and time, life and death.
Moreover, just as the Dead philosophy: \"All is one is all\" is cyclical both linguistically and conceptually, so too are the songs these sonic warlocks spin. While the Dead philosophy animates ages-old concepts of profound importance, it also achieves the inverse: it takes very new ideas and articulates them through the oldest form of expression known to man: music.
Dead Magick harkens back to the not-so-distant past, when the album, rather than the song, was king. Merging the ancient with the modern, Dead Skeletons rephrase primordial wisdom in a manner accessible to all. It is a symphonic work; it must be experienced end-to-end - from side a, song one, to side d, song twelve - in order to fully appreciate its profundity. Nonetheless, Dead Magick is accessible on a song-by-song basis, as each is a world unto itself, encapsulating firmly rooted musical and philosophical content. These grand concepts are only refracted, reflected, and magnified through an appreciation of its individual role in the grander schema of the album as a whole, and once again vis-à-vis the greater Dead philosophy.