Sonic Youth's sound helped define a generation, and jams like \"Teen Age Riot,\" \"Wish Fulfillment,\" \"100%,\" \"Diamond Sea,\" \"Bull in the Heather,\" \"Cross the Breeze\" and \"Karen Revisited\" immediately came to mind when we heard you wanted us to give the work of Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon and Lee Ranaldo the #PotentPairings treatment. Watch as guitarist Joe Darnaby joins the Daydream Nation in this installment.
Read More on Reverb:
Browse Sonic Youth on Reverb LP:
Joe's Setup:
Guitars: Fender Custom Shop 1962 Jazzmaster
Fender American Pro Telecaster Deluxe
Travis Bean TB1000A
Supro Huntington III Bass
Amp: Magnatone Panoramic Stereo