Raw In Sect - Kitro (Full Album) Starting out as a metal band in Athens, Raw In Sect has been transformed throughout the years into a group of artists and producers directed by Kostas Diamandis. RIS combines a wide spectrum of musical influences from ambient/mellow to groovy/aggressive hooks including many genres like metal/rock/folk/progressive/groove creating a musical landscape like no other. 'Kitro', the bands 3rd release is a breath of fresh air. It’s edgy, it’s funky as hell, it has a Latin feel to it.
Lead single Therion exemplifies the tone of the 12 songs included on Kitro, steeped primarily in the Greek folk scene, classic rock and a sprinkling of punk gang vocals with a pace to match. Mix a Flying V and an oud and this is what you get: modern metal mixed with the traditional. Kitro sounds inspired by its surroundings, the manic energy of the Greek roads, the volatility of its streets, and pride in the band’s homeland.
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