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00:00 - Wasteland
08:00 - 21
13:27 - Of Mere Motion
18:44 - Ethiek
22:42 - Sorgaed
27:45 - Risen Horn
lyrics Wasteland:
The heat, the reek of molten flesh.Desert of death.
What once was green is now a valley of hot forsaken sand.
Surrounded by decomposed carcasses.
Struggling to survive.Dehydration, no oasis nearby.
No future with a sign of life.
No future.
What once was green is now a valley of hot forsaken land.
If we just payed a bit more attention.
Eternal dark atmosphere rules over the earth,
consuming the remaining.
The wasteland awaits.
Next destination is death.
Fed up by human meat.
I am full, one more day to live.
It was you who caused all of this.
I will not feel empathy
if your daughters lose their virginity
by a necrophiliac.
The wasteland awaits.
The wasteland awaits.
lyrics 21:
There is so much you've achieved.
Now the day has come.
Your name dances through the leaves.
The gods summoned you for the eternal feast.
Passing though the final exit of the glorious great halls.
Fighting for the final moment.
Nobody can take the prize.
Passing though the final exit of the glorious great halls.
Fighting for the final moment.
Nobody can take the prize.
skål, come and feast.
skål, come and feast.
There is so much you've achieved.
Now is the end.
Your name dances through the leaves.
Farewell from your brothers, from your friends.
lyrics Of Mere Motion:
As of now, feelings of abhor.
As we see, sightings so atrocious.
It's so dark.Bilious euphoria.
Cannot see, can't believe.
An abundance of hatred in me.
Who is to destroy it's mother, earth?
Who is to decide who lives who's not?
Can't believe there is no gratitude for the labour.
The labour not asked by anyone.
Not asked by one.
As of now, feelings of abhor.
As we see, sightings so atrocious.
It's so dark.Bilious euphoria.
Cannot see, can't believe.
An abundance of hatred in me.
No need to feel guilt.
No need to take responsibility.
For now it's far too late.
The blood is on your hands.
Mother earth.
Giver of birth.
You're dead is in vain.
There was no gratitude for the labour.
The labour not asked by anyone.
Not asked by one.
It's too late.
It's much too late.
It's too late.
It's too late.
It's much too late.
lyrics Sorgaed:
Neen, het gaat niet met mij.
Monotone woorden.
Een gordijn dat gesloten blijft.
Het moment van breken, dat moment is heden.
Waarom hoef ik te liegen om normaal te zijn?
Moet ik mijzelf blijven verbergen?
Ben ik anders door mijn pessimisme?
Moet ik daardoor verschoven worden naar de achtergrond?
Dat is toch niet normaal.
Iemand neemt zijn eigen leven elke dag.
Plezier in bestaan, een fenomeen als zeldzaam begrepen.
Neen, het gaat niet met mij.
Deze keer gezegd met een opluchtend gevoel.
Neen, het gaat niet met mij.
Het kan me niet meer schelen wat je van me denkt.
Neen! (x 2)
lyrics Risen Horn:
How couldn't I see this beautiful world in front of me?