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O LAMB OF GOD FOR SINNERS SLAIN | with Lyrics - Sean Nebblett

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O Lamb of God for sinners slain
I plead with thee my suit to gain
I plead what Thou has done, to make me one,
And bring me to Your side again...
Didst thou not die the death for me?
Jesus, remember Calvary
And break my heart of stone, it is Thy throne
My days are Yours from start to end.

O Lamb of God for sinners slain,
Yours was the loss, and mine the gain
Let me remember, burn as an ember
And love as You ordain...

O let Thy Spirit shed abroad
The love, the perfect love of God
In this cold heart of mine, let warm sun shine.
And light the earth with faith and love
O might He now descend and rest
And dwell forever in my breast,
That I might faithful be, that He might see
And satisfy His soul's request...

Take the dear purchase of Thy blood
My Friend, and Advocate with God
My Ransom and my Peace, my Sweet Release
My Helper, Healer, Guidance, Stay
Surely Who all my debt hast paid
For all my sins, atonement made

The Lord, my Righteousness
All Holiness
Perfect in Faithfulness
And Graciousness
The Strong and Sinless One
For me undone
That I might live to see
His Majesty--

O Lamb of God for sinners slain,
Yours was the loss, and mine the gain
Let me remember, burn as an ember
And love as You ordain...

Lyrics: Sen Nebblett
(Adapted and Expanded from early 1800s hymn by Charles Wesley)

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