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(HD 720p) Luciano Pavarotti, "Una furtiva lagrima" by Donizetti

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A friend requested that I re-do my earlier video with Luciano Pavarotti's version of this beautiful aria from Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore. I miss the guy too! So here you go. . .

Una furtiva lagrima (A single secret tear)
negli occhi suoi spuntò (from her eye did spring):
Quelle festose giovani (as if she envied all the youths)
invidiar sembrò (that laughingly passed her by.).
Che più cercando io vo? (What more searching need I do?)
Che più cercando io vo? (What more searching need I do?)
M'ama! Sì, m'ama, (She loves me! Yes, she loves me,)
Lo vedo. Lo vedo. (I see it, I see it.)
Un solo instante i palpiti (For just an instant the beating)
del suo bel cor sentir! (of her beautiful heart I could feel!)
I miei sospir, confondere (As if my sighs were hers,)
per poco a' suoi sospir! ( and her sighs were mine!)
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir, (and her sighs were mine!)
confondere i miei coi suoi sospir.. (to merge my sighs with hers...).
Cielo! Si può morir! (Heavens! Yes, I could die!) (I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo. (I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.)
Ah, cielo! Si può! Si, può morir! (Oh, heavens! Yes, I could, I could die!)
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo ( I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.).
Si può morire! Si può morir d'amor. (Yes, I could die! Yes, I could die of love.)


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