I hope you guys don't mind something a little different this time around. I'm not sure if I've really said it publicly before, but I'm a huge fan of classical music. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's my favorite genre. I took an interest in it when I was a senior in high school and discovered this whole world of music that I'd passed off as being for nerds, haha.
I even remember what it was specifically that got me into it. I was playing Earthworm Jim 2 on the stage \"See Jim Run, Run Jim Run\" on which the third movement of Beethoven's 14th sonata plays in the background. I thought that it sounded really interesting and I had NO IDEA that it was Beethoven. Just figured it was by the composer for the game. So I looked into it and eventually figured out it was Beethoven and it all snowballed from there.
I eventually found Chopin and he quickly became my favorite composer. His music deeply moved me and I found myself clumsily trying to learn it on piano. I'd goofed around with learning how to play some VGM on the piano, but it was my infatuation with Chopin's music that got me to take it seriously. Been playing ever since and it's become my favorite instrument.
So I've been wanting to do a Chopin piece on my channel for a while now. This is one that I learned a long time ago and just sort of retained over the years. I'm no virtuoso so my articulation is a bit robotic, but just the same, it's a beautiful piece and I wanted to share it with you.
I'd love to do more classical music, but it tends to be difficult and takes a ton of time for me to learn which isn't conducive to a consistent upload schedule. There are a handful of pieces that I already know, however, which I could possibly perform with a bit of practice.
I want to try to get one more song out by the end of the year. It's an original and I still need to finish the lyrics for it, but I might be able to get them done in time.
Also; I will be at MAGFest Jan. 5-8 so if you see me there say hi!