




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

KItaro - Oasis (1979) [Full Album] HD

Playing Next: Paul Mauriat - Now Playing εͺδ»ŠζΌ”ε₯δΈ­ (Japan 1979) [Full Album]

Lista de T?tulos:

Rising Sun = ????

Moro-rism = ?????

New Wave = ??????

Cosmic Energy = ???????

Aqua = ???

Moon-Light = ???

Shimmering Horizon = ???

Fragrance Of The Nature = ?????

Innocent People = ???

Oasis = ????

No tengo los derechos de este ?lbum, lo uso solo para uso cultural promocional, si el v?deo es un problema de derechos de autor, lo eliminar? de inmediato.

Uso el icono y s?mbolo del Sumergible encima de las car?tulas para que otras personas no descarguen el v?deo y lo suban a su canal como si fuera de su propia autor?a, nada m?s.


I do not have the rights to this album, I use it for promotional cultural use only, if the video is copyright issue, I will remove it immediately.

I use the icon and symbol of the Submersible above the covers so that other people do not download the video and upload it to their channel as if it were their own authorship, nothing more.

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