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International Underground - Unholy Solidarity Compilation (full album, 2020)
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This promotional compilation curated by Canadian black thrash group False Gods, gathers together tracks from ten artists and bands from around the world (and several Order members).
A showcase of an international underground scene spanning Germany, Canada, Italy, USA, Iran, Mexico, and France, covering black, death, thrash, and doom metals, dark folk, and dark ambient, with artwork created by Jonathan Surek of Cineastre.
Links to individual bands pages are given below. The full compilation is available to buy digitally from the False Gods page: https://falsegods.bandcamp.com/album/unholy-solidarity-compilation
Band: Various Artists
Album: Unholy Solidarity Compilation
Year: 2020
Label: Self-Released
Country: Various
Genre: Black / Death / Thrash / Doom / Dark Folk / Ambient
Join the cult: Order ov the Black Arts: https://www.facebook.com/orderovtheblackarts/
Album: https://falsegods.bandcamp.com/album/unholy-solidarity-compilation
1. Dodenskald – Creation 00:00
2. Void Collapse - Waking Up In a Burial Ground 07:32
3. False Gods - Time For Heresy 10:48
4. Maeskyyrn - The Slow Death of the Years & Other Omens 16:44
5. Winterfell - The Lion 26:10
6. Vampiric Funeral - The Black Funeral March 33:05
7. Cineastre – Winterklänge 38:11
8. YUZDE5 - At the Gates of Asgard 45:32
9. Funebre - Angel Tears 47:58
10. Void Collapse – Blasted 54:56
11. Vampiric Funeral - Dark Imperial Blood 57:43
12. Aslak - Under The Aries Sign 60:44
13. Maeskyyrn - Gathering Believers Among Sheep 63:54
14. YUZDE5 - Torva Messor 71:27
15. Winterfell - Return To The Long Night 73:59
16. Cineastre – Waldeinsamkeit 78:51
17. False Gods - Massacre Aftermath 80:10
18. Dodenskald - A Ticket to Atlantis 90:28
Support the artists:
Cineastre - Dark Folk/Black metal (Hameln, Germany)
Maeskyyrn - Black metal (Montreal, Canada)
Aslak - Symphonic Black metal (Florence, Italy)
Funebre - Dark/Melodic metal (California, USA)
Void Collapse - Death metal (Michigan, USA)
Winterfell - Raw Atmospheric Black metal (West Virginia, USA)
Dodenskald - Dark Ambient (Tehran, Iran)
Vampiric Funeral - Black metal (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
YUZDE5 - Black/Doom metal (Paris, France)
False Gods - Black/Thrash metal (Montreal, Canada)
Uploaded on behalf of the International Underground, with thanks. All Rights reserved to the bands in the compilation
Order ‘Idol Hands’ logo by Rob Obscure
Order ‘Classic’ logo by Ivan Gossage
‘Medieval Raw’ thumbnail logo by Kavindra Kryptorgeist Caselli @ Thaumaturge Artworks
Website: https://kavindracaselli.wixsite.com/thaumaturgeartworks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThaumaturgeArtworks/
Order apparel and totems available at our Teespring store: https://teespring.com/stores/order-focused-storefront
Twitter https://twitter.com/ovorder
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/601kqvla3jwrlnfm19cd4lkmj
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/orderovtheblackarts/