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RUNESPELL FOREST MYSTICISM - Wandering Forlorn (2020) Iron Bonehead Productions - full album split

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Direct links are provided to purchase the split album on CD, vinyl and digital format. Additional links are given for Runespell, Forest Mysticism and Iron Bonehead Productions.

'Wandering Forlorn' release date - May 15th, 2020.

IRON BONEHEAD PRODUCTIONS is proud to present Wandering Forlorn, a special split album between RUNESPELL and FOREST MYSTICISM, on CD and vinyl LP formats.

A cross-generational meeting of two very old souls, Wandering Forlorn brings together two Australian hordes who've been following the voice of blood longer than most have been alive. RUNESPELL mainman Nightwolf has been forging steel in the glare of burning churches since 2017. In feverish succession, his three albums for IRON BONEHEAD have poignantly presented pagan black metal in an authentically old yet refreshingly new hue, and with his three equally epic tracks here, RUNESPELL shows that the fire is far from extinguished - in fact, its flames soar ever higher like spears hunting heaven. By comparison, FOREST MYSTICISM put Down Under paganism on the map nearly 15 years ago and then retreated into the shadows in 2011, honor intact. Come 2018, the Hearken EP indeed hearkened the band's rebirth, and the three stout-yet-sumptuous tracks here continue that noble trajectory. And aside from a single-track split last year, Wandering Forlorn marks the most extended FOREST MYSTICISM recording since the no-less-considerable Hearken, a true fire of awakening.

Past, present, and future...the ancients roam free across all. Wandering Forlorn are RUNESPELL and FOREST MYSTICISM, their creed of iron resilient and resounding.

CD/vinyl (Iron Bonehead Productions webshop)

Digital format (Iron Bonehead Productions, Bandcamp)

00:00 - 1. Runespell - Wolf Woods

10:12 - 2. Runespell - Streams of Sorrow

13:04 - 3. Runespell - Fated in Blood

20:25 - 4. Forest Mysticism - Summon

25:27 - 5. Forest Mysticism - Rivers of Silver (II)

29:18 - 6. Forest Mysticism - Ancient Tides of War


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