




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

Аллегро (Allegro) - Золотая середина (The Golden Mean) - USSR - Full Album (1985) - Hot Russian jazz

Playing Next: Scavenger Battlefields 1985 Full Album

Allegro was a large fusion ensemble which produced 4 records featuring long tracks with overlong improvisation and less chamber music than one would expect considering the country of origin. Of course there is always the classical influence here and there, but not to the same degree as for example Jazz Celula or any other Eastern EU fusion outfit.


A1 Фэнтези соль мажор (Fantasy In G Major) 0:00​

A2 Состав на тему К. Портера (Composition On A Theme Of Cole Porter) 10:23​

B1 Концертная сюита в трех частях (Concert Suite In Three Movements) 20:57


Николай Левиновский (Nikolai Levinovsky) - keyboards

Виктор Двоскин (Victor Dvoskin) - double bass

Юрий Генбачев (Yuri Genbachev) - percussion

Алексей Гагарин (Alexei Gagarin) - percussion

Алексей Курочкин (Alexei Kurochkin) - synthesizer

Александр Закарян (Alexander Zakaryan) - tenor saxophone

Вячecлaв Назаров (Vyacheslav Nazarov) - trombone

Александр Фишер (Alexander Fisher) - trumpet, flugelhorn

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