Gather round children, got a story to tell you about a man who lived long ago
Now he was a leper and he needed a healing but he didnt know where to go
So the prophet told Naaman to go to chilly Jordan and there old Naaman would find
That after seven times into the muddy water God delivered right on time
God was in time for the children of Israel to cross the mighty Red Sea
He was on time when the walls of Jericho fell at Joshuas feet
Every time I feel discouraged, dont have to wonder where Hell be
Gods been in time, on time, every time for me
Now there stood little David with a sling in his hand right before the giant so tall (so tall)
And it was unlikely then to all of those men, surely Goliath would fall
And when the three Hebrew boys wouldnt bow down to Baal, the king said they crossed the line
They were thrown in the flame and then the fourth man came and God delivered right on time
God was in time for the children of Israel to cross the mighty Red Sea
He was on time when the walls of Jericho fell at Joshuas feet
Every time I feel discouraged, dont have to wonder where Hell be
Gods been in time, on time, every time for me, for me, for me
Yes my God was in time (in time) for the children of Israel to cross the mighty Red Sea
He was on time (on time) when the walls of Jericho fell at Joshuas feet
Every time I feel discouraged, dont have to wonder where Hell be
Gods been in time, on time, every time
Every time Gods been right on time
In time, on time, every time for me, for me, for me
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing In Time, On Time, Every Time (feat. Gold City) [Live). (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,