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Hungry Hearts - Mia (Official Lyric Video)

Playing Next: Through It All - Hillsong Cover - The AsidorS
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We are Hungry Hearts (formerly known as Curses) a rock band from the Coachella Valley, California. Get our new album here:
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Recorded and Produced by Charles \"Kallaghan\" Massabo

Hungry Hearts is : Miguel Guizar (lead Vocals), Mani Beltran (Guitars), Sleazy D. (Bass) Ozzy (Guitars) Chesley (Drums) - Gaining attention through their brand of hard hitting, dark, adrenaline packed, conceptual music, Hungry Hearts has begun to make noise in the scene in 2015.

Lately, Ive felt so empty
Your heavy words bring me way down
But theres a girl that looks like me
She holds my hand and takes me where I want to be

She whispers
Its worth it
As I grasp cold porcelain
I try to leave, she pulls me closer
so Im back, back at it again
Ive gone and dug my own grave

You’re so sick and tired
Of the war inside your head
There Will be no survivors
Unless you break off your own chains
Stop Mia, save yourself from this hell again
Cause There’s nothing else to say,
when there’s no one else to blame

I have a heart I seem to have misplaced
An urge that follows as I walk with her again
My life flows down the drain
With no one else to blame
I try to leave,
but Im back, back at it again
Ive gone and dug my own grave

You’re so sick and tired
Of the war inside your head
There Will be no survivors
Unless you break off your own chains
Stop. Mia Save yourself from this hell again
Cause There’s nothing else to say,
when there’s no one else to
blame the heart I've misplace
and theres something you should know
Im not sorry for the things
I've said and now I let you go,
now I let you go, now I let you go,
Im not sorry for the things
I've said and now I let you go

You’re so sick and tired
Of the war inside your head
There Will be no survivors
Unless you break off your own chains
Stop. Mia Save yourself from this hell again
Cause There’s nothing else to say,
when there’s no one else to blame

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