Original song a day #59 of 260 songs to be released by songwriters GeorgieDAN over 2015
Like a lot of people I've got all of my own issues yeah I've got a little baggage attached to my right toe
But I’ve gotten kinda used to lately having it around, and it’s everywhere I go -
it makes me who I am – woah woah woah
it makes me who I am - woah woah woah
Like everybody else I’ve had my share of good and bad
My baggage is still growing but I've written luggage tags
And every so often I get stuck in baggage claim, I’ll be picking up the next one and checking out more blame - woah woah woah
I’ll be checking out more blame - woah woah woah
Am I ever gonna Leave the Past Behind
Am I ever gonna Leave the Past Behind
Leave the Past Behind
Leave the Past Behind
Though I have some baggage and it follows me around, yeah I take my lessons from it; I don’t let it get me down
No you're never gonna rid me completely of the past, the best that I can hope for is I get another chance - woah woah woah
is I get another chance - woah woah woah
Instruments and Equipment:
Georgie - Luna Mustang acoustic guitar, Shure SM7b, Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-1
Dan - Epiphone Wildkat
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