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Paul Williams of "The Temptations"

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This is a Tribute to Paul Williams... The video is a timeline of Williams' life, it highlights his career as The Original Lead Singer and Choreographer for The Temptations, and as a solo artist... This video was very hard to make, please excuse any mistakes, I could barely watch it to make sure it was ok. See more of Paul's work on the WithLoveforPaul page... I hope you enjoy Paul Williams, Heart and Soul of The Temptations... To us he left to soon, to God he arrived right on time.

- WLFP (WITH LOVE PAGE)... *A Paul Williams Tribute*
September of 2008

A FEW WORDS from the WLFP Page Creator

No video, or words, or work of mine could ever do Paul Williams justice, any good you see here is his love shining through.

In my opinion Paul generally sang songs humbly and with great joy and careful excellence, extending to the hearer a pure and genuine love and happiness... He truly loved singing and performing, and he was free in that element, he didn't feel the need to force it. However I believe that beautiful humility was no match for this song on this night. Paul as always is still beautifully humble here, but the song and performance is not. In this performance the song is bold and piercing. It seems as if everything within him is onstage on this night, and the listener cannot help but to feel it... Paul's Passion for Love truly shined through here, and even if only for a few moments, we're truly blessed to be able to catch a glimpse of such a magnificent Love...

***Paul fans
I appreciate you, now and always, blessings to you...

Paul's love is here... That's it, that's all...

Both fans and viewers alike, thank you all so much for your special comments...

From a tribute page about Paul...
This Poem is a special message to Paul from those who love him.

We DO NOT need a Special Day
To bring you to our minds.
The days we DO NOT think of you
Are very hard to find.
Each morning when we awake
We know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As we try to carry on.
Our hearts still ache with sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you
The world will never know.
Our thoughts are always with you
Your place no one can fill.
In life we loved you dearly
In death we love you still.
There will always be a heartache
And often a silent tear.
But always a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.
If tears would make a staircase
And heartaches make a lane,
We'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you home again.
We hold you close within our hearts
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again.
That special chain is broken now
And nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.
-We Love You

Clarifications/Additions to timeline:
----('Their Last Television Performances')
The \"Just My Imagination\" clip of Paul & Eddie with the group on the Ed Sullivan show, was their last T.V performance together & last T.V. performance with the Temptations...

----('on TCB Television')
On TCB Television here means, A Show on NBC, the TCB Motown Special

----*The Don't Look Back Live Clip at 5:00:
Ed Sullivan Show - November 19th 1967

*Note* This Video is a Tribute to Paul Williams and should be considered as a Memorial and for Memorial, Educational, & Entertainment Purposes only... The WithLoveforPaul Page does not own the Live video and/or audio clips shown and does not wish to compromise anyone's copyright.

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