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GABOR SZABO paint it black (1966) ROLLING STONES instrumental cover

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album : JAZZ RAGA

Jazz Raga, recorded in August of 1966, and released in early 1967, is Hungarian jazz guitarist Gabor Szabo's third album for Impulse!, and his most exotic and mysterious. Szabo not only played guitar on the live-to-two-track sessions, he also overdubbed sitar on nine of the album's eleven cuts. Produced by Bob Thiele and engineered by Rudy Van Gelder, it combines Szabo's singular guitar sound (equally influenced by West Coast jazz, Hungarian gypsy folk songs, and Indian music -- which he began studying as early as 1961), as he fronts a rhythm section of drummer Bernard Purdie and upright bassist Jack Gregg on nearly half of the album with an expanded lineup that also included electric bassist Bob Bushnell on the rest.

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